Ah, I see a man a culture : )

Code Index

├── app
|   ├── AttendanceTrackerApp.java
|   ├── Main.java  // New entry point
├── qr
|   ├── QRCodeScanner.java
|   ├── QRCodeGenerator.java
|   ├── QRCodeUtil.java
├── user
|   ├── UserRegistrationManager.java
|   ├── UserLoginManager.java
|   ├── User.java
├── attendance
|   ├── AttendanceRecord.java
|   ├── AttendanceManager.java
|   ├── AttendanceService.java
|   ├── AttendanceReportGenerator.java
├── data
|   ├── DatabaseConnector.java
|   ├── AttendanceDatabase.java
── security
|   ├── EncryptionUtil.java
├── ui
|   ├── activities
|   |   ├── MainActivity.java
|   |   ├── ScanQRActivity.java
|   |   ├── ViewAttendanceActivity.java
|   |   ├── UserProfileActivity.java
|   |   ├── SettingsActivity.java
|   |
|   ├── fragments
|   |   ├── AttendanceFragment.java
|   |   ├── UserListFragment.java
|   |
|   ├── adapters
|   |   ├── UserListAdapter.java
|   |   ├── AttendanceListAdapter.java
|   |
|   ├── dialog
|   |   ├── QRScannerDialog.java
|   |
|   ├── utilities
|   |   ├── UIUtils.java
|   |   ├── DateTimeUtils.java
├── auth
|   ├── AuthManager.java
|   ├── AuthHandler.java
|   ├── AuthResponse.java
├── network
|   ├── ApiClient.java
|   ├── ApiService.java
└── shared
├── Constants.java
├── AppConfig.java
├── CrossPlatformUtilities.java

Index Description

The directory structure you provided seems to be for an Android application project named "ClassFlow," which is a QR-based attendance tracking app. Let's go through each of the segments and explain their purpose in detail, with a focus on the implementation of databases in the project:

  1. app:
  2. qr:
  3. user:
  4. attendance:
  5. data:
  6. ui:
  7. auth:
  8. network:
  9. shared:

Database Implementations

PostgreSQL is a server-based relational database system, so your Android application will interact with it through network requests. The data package is the most logical place to find the code responsible for managing the database connection and interactions with the PostgreSQL server.

Here are the specific components in the data package that are likely involved in managing the PostgreSQL database: